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5 Tips for Online Learning

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By Dr. Manju Banerjee

  1. Embrace the positives. While the idea of online learning can be overwhelming, especially to students with learning differences (LD), parents and LD experts have seen some great benefits as well. Student at Landmark College have identified that the online format allows them the opportunity to break up heavy subject matter into digestible sections to stay engaged, revisit areas that they didn’t understand the first time around by watching recordings, and take things at their own pace.
  2. Do your homework. When you have the advantage of selecting your online program, be sure to pick one that is designed around needs of students with LD. Key things to look out for include programs that use a visual course map to break up content, courses that consider short attention spans and break course content into micro units and short modules (ideally 30 minutes or less in length), and of course instructors who understand students who learn differently and are committed to developing engaging course content.
  3. Create a schedule that works for your student. From giving your student the flexibility to do their schoolwork where they’re most comfortable (which isn’t always at a desk), to building in regular breaks to allow for time away from the computer, creating an environment and schedule that is most conducive to your student’s unique learning style can make all the difference.
  4. Take advantage of technology. At Landmark College, we work closely to engage and familiarize students with technologies that support online learning. Microsoft suite of built-in accessibility technologies within Office 365 is a great starting point. With the shift to online learning, it is more important than ever to take advantage of these resources. Understanding the course format ahead of time might make it easier for you to identify what types of assistive technology that could help your student with their online learning.
  5. Work with the instructor to make it work. Make sure the course instructor or classroom teacher is aware of your student’s learning needs. Even if this is someone they worked with in an in-person environment, their needs in an online setting may be different and it is important to work with the educator to find a way to make sure your student gets what they need from the class. At Landmark College, in addition to regular access to their professors, students benefit from dedicated course advisors that meet regularly with students to ensure that students have all the supports they need in the online platform.

Want to learn more about Landmark College’s online programs for students who learn differently? Get more info here.

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